Who Are Fenrir and Jord?
Fenrir and Jord are the Gods of Hvalla.
Shrouded in mystery, they are said to have come from Ginnungagap - the primal void - at the very beginning of time itself. Considered creators, they are told to be responsible for making Hvalla the world it is in the present day - breathing life into the earth, the plants, the beasts that walk the world, and, most importantly, the wargs themselves.

Understanding 'The Children of -'
The wargs of Hvalla are referred to as belonging to one of two different 'types'. The children of Jord and the children of Fenrir.
Central to the beliefs of wargs in Hvalla is the distinguishing between which of the two gods were central to their creation. For Woodwarg, they believe that Jord was the god who created them, while Icewarg and Stonewarg believe that Fenrir gave life to their races.
What do they look like?
There is no single iconography of Fenrir and Jord that echoes across the races. Each of the races has their own image of how the gods appear - a mirror of their own image, and each race believes their depiction of the gods to be true.