Post has published by Hvalla Admin

Rogue Class



Rogues are those shady individuals one might see in the less favorable districts of the great cities. They prize stealth and the ability to move quickly and sleekly through dark alleyways with utmost certainty. Rogues, who obviously do not follow the laws of the cities they live in, adhere to a code of their own making.

A warg who finds themselves in the Rogue class might find themselves in the following roles:

Thieves are wargs whose talents lie in trickery, deception, improvisation and of course, stealing. These resourceful wargs can always get their paws on what they need. Guerilla tactics are a favorite of this specialization.

Assassins are wargs who specialize in ambushing their targets with extreme precision. They are lethal and discerning types who know how to best strike their enemy exactly where it hurts, slipping into the shadows when the deed is done.

Rogues are not known for entering honorably into a fight or even fighting fairly. They fluctuate between melee and ranged combat.

Learn more about using weapons in combat on the USING WEAPONS IN COMBAT section on the COMBAT PAGE.

Learn more about the stat points of a Rogue below.

Rogue Stats




Strength: 10

Agility: 13

Intellect: 12

Stamina: 15

Strength: 15

Agility: 13

Intellect: 12

Stamina: 10

Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Intellect: 15

Stamina: 10


You have chosen the path of the Assassin. Stealth is your cloak and death is your shadow. Select dagger, bow, or crossbow and list your choice in your bio next to your talents. 

Artwork/literature where your character is depicted with only this weapon will gain +2 XP. [Weapon must be equipped].



You have chosen the path of the Thief. You are able to enter places without permission and steal what you wish. 

Art/literature depicting you around at least one other warg [50% visible, not a player character] will gain an additional +2 XP.