Post has published by Hvalla Admin

Quick Start


Step One

Choose a Race

Join either the ICEWARGSTONEWARG, or WOODWARG. Each of the races have distinctive cultures, and live in unique cities across three separate regions: Niflheim to the north; Jotunheim to the east, and Alfheim to the west.


Step Two

Choose Your Class 

Choose from one of the five classes: HEALERMAGERANGERROGUE, or WARRIOR. Classes determine the skills in which the character is most proficient. They help give a general description of what your character can do, and it can help define their vocation.


Step Three

Choose a Clan

Select a CLAN from the race you have chosen to pledge your loyalty to. Wargs do not often change their clans and you can only select one, so choose wisely!

Clan Gravenrail

Symbol and Banner: Icewarg Paw with Crown

Clan Colors: Silver, Teal Blue

Values: Honor, Power, Sacrifice, Impulse, Resolution, Unity

Clan Ulfang

Symbol and Banner: Dragon Ouroboros

Clan Colors: Gray, Black, Red

Values: Strength, Justice, Fortitude, Dominance, Authority, Ambition

Eik-Saer Clan

Symbol and Banner: The Stag

Clan Colors: Olive Green, Gold

Values: Cunning, Knowledge, Resourcefulness, Kindness


Step Four

Design Your Character

Use the DESIGN GUIDE to ensure your character meets the mandatory requirements for their race. The "HOW TO DESIGN" page is an overview that covers everything from color usage to naming conventions. Be sure to check the individual design guides for the race you have chosen. These pages explain in detail the correct way to use both racial and free markings.

Once designed, place them on the corresponding APPLICATION SHEET for their race. If your reference is shaded or includes clothing, please include an unshaded or unclothed version as a link in your character bio. Characters must be YOUNG ADULTS or older for phase one of Beta.


Step Five

Fill Out Your Character Bio

Containing important information such as mental/physical characteristics and backstory, it is important that the CHARACTER BIO is completed in full. You will need to download and provide the link to the mandatory PLAYER AND CHARACTER TRACKER in the "required" section on your character bio to track your character’s progression through Hvalla. Character biographies that do not follow the provided template will not be accepted. You CAN make aesthetic changes to your character bio if the original template and its order is preserved. The mandatory player and character tracker should not be altered in any way.

Be sure to apply your STARTING INVENTORY in your character bio. These starter chests contain one application of WAR PAINT, one CITIZEN'S COIN POUCH, and one set of STARTER ARMOR (Iringardian Trappings, Wargrun Battlegear, Ljosan Regalia.) Make sure you add your starter armor to the gear slots provided in the character bio. War paint and currency will be applied to your account by staff.


Step Six

Upload Your Application to DeviantArt

Once you have completed your CHARACTER BIO, upload your application to DeviantArt. The uploaded application should have the original resolution of 1519 x 1298 px with a transparent edge around the outermost border. In the description, you should provide a link to the written character bio, and your level verification tracker.

You can create your LEVEL VERIFICATION TRACKER by duplicating this sheet. This sheet MUST NOT be structurally modified and must always only contain the necessary information to verify levels. 

Please DO NOT attempt to create an Inventory. This will be done by staff once your warg has been approved, upon application for your bank account. 


Step Seven

Final Review

Before submitting your application, carefully review the common errors provided in the tabs below and double-check the following:

  • Is the character biography and mandatory tracker set to "anyone with this link can view?"
  • Have the minimum of 9 personality attributes been listed?
  • Does the character history meet the minimum of 500 words?
  • Is the starter armor received in the starter chest listed under "gear?"
  • Have the uploaded application and mandatory tracker been linked in the "required" section in the character bio?
  • Is the application uploaded at the original resolution of 1519 x 1298 px and is the edge around the outermost border transparent?

Drawn Application Errors

  • Icewarg should have owl-like brows, and their overall appearance should be thickly furred to avoid looking too similar to Stonewarg.
  • Stonewarg mane coverage includes the neck (minus the throat and chest), over and around the shoulder, the elbows, a line down the back, the rump, and the tail. The mane should be predominantly one color. If the dominant color of the mane is not readily apparent, reduce the amount of frosting/accent colors.
  • Stonewarg must have points on all four paws. The color of the points should match the mane. Everything in red in the diagram provided below should be the same color (with the exception of frosting). See diagram HERE.
  • Woodwarg have horse-like manes, going down the back of their neck in a thin line.
  • All flesh tones must match with eyes, nose, lips, and pads presenting in the same hue range. Skin (nose, eyes, scars, paws and claws) should be dark, with the exception of Icewarg which may have light claws, and light (pink), dark, or mottled flesh tones.
  • Armor and weapons that are not equipped cannot be in the drawn application or listed in the written application. You may depict your warg wearing the starting armor if you choose since this will be equipped at acceptance, but a reference image without the armor should be linked in the description. Depictions of accessories or clothing that look like armor or weapons, like leg wraps or weapon-like claw caps are also not allowed.
  • There should be a TRANSPARENT EDGE around your application with no solid color around the outermost border.
  • Dropshadows or “halos” are acceptable but must be a dark color, soft-edged and not distracting. Light or brightly colored dropshadows will not be accepted.


Step Eight

Submit Your Application

Once you’ve completed the above steps, follow the instructions in the JOURNAL provided on our DEVIANTART group page.

Next Application Window: TBA


Step Nine

Accepted Applications

If your application was accepted, you will need to make an ACCOUNT. You will be issued your unique player ID and your inventory will be created by the admin team. Once your account is opened, you will submit your design for APPROVAL. Wait for an admin to review your character and follow the instructions provided. It's normal to receive corrections at this point of the approval process! If you have been asked to make corrections to your application sheet or character bio, please submit your changes within 24-48 hours.

You are welcome to start plotting immediately, however, we ask that you do not submit any artwork or literature to the group until your character has been added to the character gallery. Any art or literature created and submitted to DeviantArt before your acceptance to the group will not be counted for XP.

Rejected Applications

Unfortunately, application windows for beta are highly competitive and we are unable to accept every application received. If you were not selected, we encourage you to apply again during the next application window. You are welcome to remain a member of Discord server to get to know the community, discuss character ideas, ask questions, etc.