Mage Class
While all wargs may have latent magic, not all know how to harness its power to its full potential. Mages are wargs who have honed their latent magic into something potent and precise. They value knowledge in all its forms and use it to control the ley energy that radiates from Hvalla itself.
Elementalist mages manipulate ley energy to control and reshape the elements to their whims. They join with the ebb and flow of life and are strongly connected to ley lines. Elementalists specialties are Storm [affinity for rain wind and lightning] and Fire [affinity for fire and sunlight].
Ritualist mages use an object or a collection of objects to channel magical energy through. They amplify energy to create powerful spells. Ritualist specialties are Psyche [power of the mind] and Force [power of the body].
Mages are primarily ranged fighters, casting spells from a distance behind the lines of melee fighters. They fight quickly and with ease and are a powerful force to be reckoned with.
Learn more about mage magic on the MAGIC PAGE.
Learn more about using mage magic in combat on the USING SPELLS IN COMBAT section on the COMBAT PAGE.
Learn more about the stat points of a Mage below.

Mage Stats
Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Intellect: 15
Stamina: 15
Strength: 15
Agility: 10
Intellect: 13
Stamina: 12
Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Intellect: 18
Stamina: 12
Fire Elementalist
You have chosen the path of the Fire Mage. You can now create and manipulate fire at will.
Art/literature where your character uses their fire magic to interact with an object (burning something/someone, lighting something, etc.) will earn an additional +2 XP.

Conjure a blaze that razes everything in its path. All fire mages deal an additional 10 damage for ONE (1) round.
Range: Field
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Embers whorl around you like a glittering shroud, dormant until struck. When you are hit, you deal 5 damage to your attacker.
Range: Revenge Target
Action: Innate
Charge: N/A

A single beam of fiery hot sunlight lances through your chosen foe. You deal an additional 20 damage to your target for one turn.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Fire blasts forward and crashes into your chosen target. You deal 60 damage to your target.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Call forth a dense cloud of smoke that invades the lungs of your target and weakens them. Your enemy loses an additional 25 health when next hit for ONE (1) round.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Spouts of fire flare up and surround up to THREE (3) targets, trapping them within their line for ONE (1) turn. They all receive an additional 15 damage when next hit.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Summon a massive inferno. Chaotic and deadly, it will burn out of control and cannot be harnessed by one warg alone. You deal 30 damage to up to THREE (3) chosen targets but you cannot put it out without assistance. When hit, you take an additional 20 damage, reduced by 5 for every additional fire mage in your party.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per battle

Shape fire into the form of an enormous claw and slash with deadly force. You deal 15 damage to all enemies. You and your party are harder to hit with a +2 AC for FIVE (5) Rounds.
Range: Field
Action: Full
Charge: Once per battle
Charge: Once per 5 turns

You hold fire magic in the palm of your paw, a perfectly controlled sphere of power that moves by your will. You are harder to hit with +3 AC and you deal an additional 20 damage for the first THREE (3) turns.
Range: Field
Action: Innate
Charge: N/A
Storm Elementalist
You have chosen the path of the Storm Mage. You can now create small storms of lightning, thunder, and rain.
Art/literature depicting your character harnessing the power of a storm with another object (shocking something/someone, charging something, effecting the weather, etc.) will earn an additional +2 XP.

Your storms swell in power during the heat of battle. You deal 10 more damage.
Range: Self
Action: Innate
Charge: N/A

Create a cool mist to help conceal your comrades. Your teammates on the same line are harder to hit with +2 AC for ONE (1) turn.
Range: Same Line
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Send a rush of water to wipe out your enemy. You deal 10 damage to every enemy on a single line of your choice.
Range: Line
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Gather power and discharge precise lightning strikes to a chosen enemy. You deal an additional 25 damage to your target.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Call forth a heavy fog to obscure you and everyone on your line. When your line attacks, they deal an additional +10 damage for FIVE (5) turns. Rogues deal +15 damage.
Range: Same Line
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Unleash a terrifying boom of thunder, striking terror into the hearts of your enemies. You deal +15 more damage and the middle line of your enemies roll against your AC. If they fail, they must fall to the back line.
Range: Middle Line
Action: Full
Charge: Twice per battle

Wield the elements into a gathering storm and split the air with lightning and thunder as you please. You deal 40 damage to up to TWO (2) chosen targets.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 3 turns

The tides of battle are yours to command. Ebbing and flowing by your call, your storms protect your own just as they devastate your enemies. You deal 20 damage to the target of your choice and you and your party are harder to hit with +2 AC for the remainder of the battle.
Range: Target and Field
Action: Full
Charge: Once per battle

Your storms are filled with rage and passion. They roil chaotically but with great power. You are easier to hit with -10 AC but you deal an additional 50 damage for THREE (3) turns.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns
Force Ritualist
You have chosen the path of the Force Mage. You are able to magnify the powers of your telekinesis to frightening proportions.
Art/literature depicting your character using their summoning abilities will earn an additional +2 XP.

Imbue the weapon of a member of your party with magic, enhancing its capabilities. When this weapon hits, it will do +5 damage for the remainder of the battle. This weapon will revert to normal once the battle has ended.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per battle

Summon a creature to your side to do your bidding. It stays for TWO (2) turns and deals 15 extra damage to your chosen enemy.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Conjure weapons from thin air that attack by themselves. You deal 10 extra damage when you hit an enemy.
Range: Self
Action: Innate
Charge: N/A

Grasp your target with telekinesis until you bend and break them. Your chosen enemy takes an extra 15 damage when hit for ONE (1) turn and the last weapon they used cannot be used in their next turn.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Break the ground apart and prevent melee attacks from either side from hitting each other for ONE (1) turn. Ranged attacks are still able to hit.
Range: Melee Lines
Action: Full
Charge: Once per battle

Steal the main weapon of ONE (1) of your enemies. They are unable to use that weapon for the rest of the battle and if they have no other weapons, must make unarmed attacks.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Twice per battle

You can bend all things to your will, even the bodies of your enemies. While you cannot control them, you can break them. Up to TWO (2) of your chosen enemies take 40 damage each.
Range: Target x 2
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 3 turns

You are able to summon the strength of another warg into yourself, amplifying your ferocity. You receive an additional attack for THREE (3) turns.
Range: Self
Action: Full
Charge: Once per battle

You are able to call a swarm to obey your command without question. The swarm is able to attack up to THREE (3) enemies in one line and deal 10 revenge damage to each enemy each time they hit for FIVE (5) turns.
Range: 3 Targets (Same Line, revenge)
Action: Full
Charge: Twice per battle
Psyche Ritualist
You have chosen the path of the Psyche Mage. You are able to harness the powers of your mind to make others see and feel what does not exist.
Art/literature depicting your character creating illusions will earn an additional +2 XP.

Summon the illusion of an army that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies. Up to TWO (2) of your enemies on the middle line must roll against your AC. If they fail, they are so shaken that they must retreat to the back line.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Summon the laughing faces of those most beloved to ONE (1) of your enemies, forcing them to become the focus of all their loved one’s ridicule. Your enemy is easier to hit with -5 AC for ONE (1) turn.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 3 turns

Your target finds countless illusory spiders crawling all over their body and becomes distracted. You deal 20 extra damage to your target for ONE (1) Round.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Seize control of ONE (1) of the minds of your enemies and prevent them from attacking for ONE (1) turn. In addition, they take an extra 10 damage when hit.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Twist the judgment of your target, reducing them to a confused muddle for TWO (2) turns. They may still attack, but must use their movement action to travel to the row that is least beneficial to them. If they do not have a weapon to attack from that line, their attack will fail.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Trick the senses of your foes, convincing them that they have become blind. TWO (2) of your enemies are blinded and are unable to attack for ONE (1) turn but do not have to move.
Range: Target
Action: Full
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Conjure an illusion that is more corporeal than not, bolstering you and your party. If you hit, damage dice will be rolled twice. In addition, all members of your party become harder to hit with +3 AC for TWO (2) turns.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Wrap a cacophony of sound around your target’s head, overwhelming them until they cannot even hear themselves think. They will be unable to attack for TWO (2) turns and will be easier to hit with -5 AC. In addition, ONE (1) of your other enemies on the same line will have a 10% chance of fleeing from the battle immediately. [Some creatures may be immune]
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns

Come to the defense of your party and dominate the mind of an attacking target, forcing them to redirect their attack and turn against their own for ONE (1) turn. If an enemy attacks a member of your party and hits, their attack is rerouted to hit a member of their own party on the same line as them and will deal an additional 10 damage.
Range: Target
Action: Bonus
Charge: Once per 5 turns