Activity: Raiding
Raids have been designed to be some of the most challenging content in the game and are intended to be completed by large numbers of players working together as a team. A raid can last for as little as a few weeks, to as long as several months and are most often part of a larger story in the world.
Key Information
- Raids are influenced by world events and are not always available for all races.
- All raid submissions get a +2 XP bonus and should be noted as (+2 (name of raid)) in the level tracker notes.
- Raids are intended to be plot driven and we encourage players to plan their pieces out thoroughly instead of attempting to create the maximum number of pieces possible.
- Submissions submitted for raids cannot be submitted for any other activity.
Submission Requirements
- All characters must be at least 75% visible in order to be counted.
- Written submissions should have a clear beginning and end, and while may be written in a series, should be able to stand alone as a single piece of work centering around the given prompt.
- You may only submit to each prompt once per character every 24 hours.
You can find the entirety of our raid rules on the journal provided here. Always refer to the rules and guidelines provided in the current raid journal before preparing your raid submission.

Raiding Terminology
- Wave: Phases of the raid that increase in difficulty as the activity progresses. Players may only work on one wave at a time. The next wave will be revealed once the current wave is won.
- Prompts: Specific requirements to earn victory points.
- Max Out: Submitting the maximum number of submissions to a single prompt.
- Victory Points: Point system that tracks completion of the wave.
- Boon: Special raid bonus that increases prizes or decreases the difficulty of the raid.
- Loot: Prizes. The cashish. Money honey (and items).
- Complications: The positive action of the enemy that results in a negative consequence to the player, such as lost health.
What is Raiding?
Raiding is when one party attempts to claim an area currently held by NPCs, creatures or other environmental factors. Raids are always players vs. environment. Raids consist of several waves which will include prompts to earn victory points. A certain amount of victory points is required in a given time frame in order to win the wave and move on to the next. Each prompt can only be completed a set number of times but maxing out a prompt is not required, as long as the required amount of victory points are reached. You may not max out any prompts in a single wave, however, maxing out a prompt will give the group boons for future waves and prompts which can help secure their victory and earn more loot.
A raid consists of a number of waves, which act as different phases of the raid itself. The number of waves will vary in each raid. Each wave consists of several prompts, which will also vary per wave. Harder raids will have more waves and more prompts per wave, while easier ones will have fewer waves and fewer prompts to complete.
Failing to reach the minimum number of points in a wave will cause the party to fall back a wave and restart the previous section. Restarting the first wave twice will cause a raid to fail and the event will end. Some raids may be able to be reattempted at a later time.
There are three types of prompts in raids;
Success Prompts
These types of prompts will only require a specific type of submission and will always earn victory points and prizes when submitted within the time limit and before the prompt is maxed out. These prompts will usually consist of needing to depict a warg in a certain area completing a certain task. These prompts can only be submitted to once per character.
RNG Prompts
Combat Prompts
How to Submit to a Prompt
Winning a Raid
To win a raid, the party must complete all waves with enough victory points before the deadline by completing prompts. Each successful prompt submission will earn one victory point or more, that will go towards completing the wave, though prompts do not need to reach 100% completion to reach this threshold. However, maxing out a prompt by having the party succeed the maximum number of times will result in a boon that will carry over for the duration of the raid.
Each character may only complete each prompt once. Each prompt will have its own requirement to complete, which may be as simple as a large illustration or a piece of literature with minimum and maximum word count, or may require collaborations or more specific character requirements.
Raid Rewards
To the victors go the spoils! When you earn victory points, you will receive loot items. All winnings will be listed in the comment replying to your submission. These can range from anything like coin to lore, or items. The number of prizes received is defaulted to one per submission, however this can be increased to a max of 4 through maxing out prompts.
Where Can I See Potential Loot?
You can view every item with a chance to appear in the loot rotation on the HvallaAdmin account here.